Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection Solution Manual: A Review and Summary
Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection Solution Manual
If you are interested in learning about the fundamentals of atomic and nuclear physics, as well as their applications in radiation protection, then you might want to check out Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, a book written by James E. Turner. This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the field, covering both theoretical and practical aspects. It is also accompanied by a solution manual that provides detailed answers to all the problems in the book. In this article, we will give you an overview of what this book is about, how to use it effectively, and what are some examples of problems and solutions in it.
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What is this book about?
Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection is a book that aims to provide a clear and concise introduction to atomic and nuclear physics, as well as their applications in radiation protection. It covers topics such as atomic structure and atomic radiation, nuclear structure and nuclear radiation, radioactive decay, interaction of radiation with matter, dosimetry, shielding, health physics, environmental radioactivity, nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, and more. The book is written for students and professionals who want to learn more about these subjects or refresh their knowledge. It assumes some basic background in physics and mathematics, but does not require any prior knowledge of atomic or nuclear physics.
The main topics covered in the book
The book consists of 16 chapters that cover the following main topics:
Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter gives an overview of the history and scope of atomic and nuclear physics, as well as radiation protection. It also introduces some basic concepts and definitions that will be used throughout the book.
Chapter 2: Atomic Structure and Atomic Radiation. This chapter explains the structure of atoms and molecules, as well as their interactions with electromagnetic radiation. It covers topics such as Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom, quantum mechanics, atomic spectra, X-rays, Auger electrons, etc.
Chapter 3: The Nucleus and Nuclear Radiation. This chapter describes the structure and properties of nuclei, as well as their interactions with other particles and radiation. It covers topics such as nuclear binding energies, alpha decay, beta decay, gamma-ray emission, internal conversion, electron capture, positron decay, etc.
Chapter 4: Radioactive Decay. This chapter discusses the kinetics and modes of radioactive decay, as well as the natural and artificial sources of radioactivity. It covers topics such as activity, exponential decay, specific activity, serial radioactive decay, secular equilibrium, transient equilibrium, no equilibrium, natural radioactivity, radon and radon daughters, etc.
Chapter 5: Interaction of Heavy Charged Particles with Matter. This chapter analyzes the energy loss and range of heavy charged particles (such as protons and alpha particles) in matter. It covers topics such as energy-loss mechanisms, maximum energy transfer in a single collision, single-collision energy-loss spectra, stopping power, Bethe formula for stopping power, mean excitation energies, range, slowing-down time, limitations of Bethe's stopping-power formula, etc.
Chapter 6: Interaction of Electrons with Matter. This chapter examines the energy loss and range of electrons (including positrons) in matter. It covers topics such as collisional stopping power, radiative stopping power, radiation yield, range, slowing-down time, examples of electron tracks in water, etc.
Chapter 7: Phenomena Associated with Charged-Particle Tracks. This chapter explores some phenomena that occur along the tracks of charged particles in matter. It covers topics such as delta rays, restricted stopping power, linear energy transfer (LET), specific ionization, energy straggling, range straggling, multiple Coulomb scattering, etc.
Chapter 8: Interaction of Photons with Matter. This chapter investigates the interaction mechanisms and cross sections of photons (including X-rays and gamma rays) with matter. It covers topics such as photoelectric effect, Compton effect, pair production, photonuclear reactions, etc.
Chapter 9: Attenuation of Photon Beams. This chapter studies the attenuation and scattering of photon beams in matter. It covers topics such as attenuation coefficient, mass attenuation coefficient, linear attenuation coefficient, buildup factor,exponential attenuation law,half-value layer,tenth-value layer,broad-beam geometry,narrow-beam geometry,scattered radiation,angular distribution of scattered photons,scatter fraction,etc.
Chapter 10: Dosimetry Fundamentals. This chapter introduces the concepts and units of dosimetry, which is the measurement and calculation of radiation doses. It covers topics such as exposure,absorbed dose,kerma,fluence,energy imparted,dose equivalent,effective dose,radiation weighting factor,tissue weighting factor,collective dose,etc.
Chapter 11: Radiation Shielding. This chapter explains the principles and methods of radiation shielding, which is the design and construction of barriers to reduce radiation exposure. It covers topics such as shielding materials,shielding calculations,broad-beam attenuation,narrow-beam attenuation,point-source buildup factor method,slab-source buildup factor method,dose rate constants,< 71b2f0854b