Where Can I Buy Palm Oil Locally ((INSTALL))
As well as being versatile, compared to other vegetable oils the oil palm is a very efficient crop, able to produce high quantities of oil over small areas of land, almost all year round. This makes it an attractive crop for growers and smallholders, who can rely on the steady income that palm oil provides.
where can i buy palm oil locally
It is important that the palm oil industry continues to invest in and grow support for and smallholder programmes and sustainable landscape initiatives. WWF is also working with governments in both palm oil using and palm oil producing countries to make sure that national laws are in place to ensure that any palm oil traded is free of deforestation, conversion and exploitation.
WWF envisions a global marketplace based on socially acceptable and environment-friendly production and sourcing of palm oil. We aim to encourage increased demand for, and use of, goods produced using such practices.
Burning is a common method for clearing vegetation in natural forests as well as within oil palm plantations. The burning of forests releases smoke and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, polluting the air and contributing to climate change. Fires in peat areas are particularly difficult to put out. The smoke and haze from these blazes have health consequences throughout Southeast Asia.
A palm oil mill generates 2.5 metric tons of effluent for every metric ton of palm oil it produces. Direct release of this effluent can cause freshwater pollution, which affects downstream biodiversity and people. While oil palm plantations are not large users of pesticides and fertilizers overall, the Indiscriminate application of these materials can pollute surface and groundwater sources.
Erosion occurs when forests are being cleared to establish plantations, and can also be caused by planting trees in inappropriate arrangements. The main cause of erosion is the planting of oil palms on steep slopes. Erosion causes increased flooding and silt deposits in rivers and ports. Eroded areas require more fertilizer and other inputs, including repair of roads and other infrastructure.
The practice of draining and converting tropical peat forests in Indonesia is particularly damaging, as these "carbon sinks" store more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem in the world. Additionally, forest fires used to clear vegetation in the establishment of oil palm plantations are a source of carbon dioxide that contributes to climate change. Due to its high deforestation rate, Indonesia is the third-largest global emitter of greenhouse gasses.
With better management practices, the palm oil industry could provide benefits without threatening some of our most breathtaking natural treasures. Oil palm plantations can stop operating at the expense of rainforests by applying stringent production criteria to all stages of palm oil manufacture.
The main source of palm oil is the Elaeis guineensis tree, which is native to the coastal countries of West and Southwest Africa, including Angola, Gabon, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, and others. It has a long history of use in these regions (1).
Animal and human studies suggest that the tocotrienols in palm oil may help protect the delicate polyunsaturated fats in the brain, slow dementia progression, reduce the risk of stroke, and prevent the growth of brain lesions (8, 9).
In a 2-year study involving 121 people with brain lesions, the group who took palm oil-derived tocotrienols twice a day remained stable, whereas the group who received a placebo experienced lesion growth (9).
Additionally, a 2020 review of 18 animal and test-tube studies noted that palm oil and palm oil tocotrienols appear to provide neuroprotective effects against cognitive decline. However, more human studies are needed (10).
A large analysis of 51 studies found that total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels were lower in people who followed palm oil-rich diets than those who consumed diets high in trans fats or myristic and lauric acids (11).
One small study found that people with cystic fibrosis, a condition that makes it difficult to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, experienced an increase in vitamin A blood levels after taking two to three tablespoons of red palm oil daily for 8 weeks (15).
A 2016 analysis found that 45% of land in Southeast Asia currently used for palm oil production had been forests back in 1990, including more than half of all palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia (3).
There have also been reports of human rights violations by palm oil corporations, such as clearing farmlands and forests without permission, paying low wages, providing unsafe working conditions, and significantly reducing the quality of life (19).
For instance, a 2015 analysis found that limiting the expansion of new palm oil plantations to areas without forests and planting only in areas with low carbon stocks could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 60% (20).
The demand for palm oil has caused huge industry growth, leading to deforestation in tropical areas where palm farms can flourish. Buy palm oil from small farms or look for RSPO-certified brands for the most sustainable options.
Palm oil grows in tropical rainforests, and the uncontrolled clearing of these forests for conventional palm oil plantations has led to widespread loss of these irreplaceable and biodiverse-rich forests. Plantations have also been connected to the destruction of habitat of endangered species, including orangutans, tigers, elephants, and rhinos.
But you don't have to give up products containing palm oil! Avoiding palm oil could have worse effects because it might take support away from companies that are trying hard to improve the situation. This could encourage companies to use other products that may have even more impact on the environment. Palm oil is by far the most efficient vegetable oil to grow as it takes less land to produce than other vegetable oils. Palm oil can be produced in a responsible manner that respects the environment and the communities where it is commonly grown.
Look for the RSPO label to ensure you purchase products made with certified sustainable palm oil. This label gives you the confidence that the palm oil was produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way.
WWF's Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard assesses major retailers, consumer goods manufacturers and food service companies from around the world on their performances, actions and commitments toward responsible purchasing of palm oil. Browse all the scorecards here.
CBP officers seized the latest shipment, consisting of 108 super packs of palmitic acid, on March 1 and seized three earlier shipments of a combined 270 super packs of palmitic acid on February 11. Super packs are large flexible sacks that are used to transport bulk cargo, such as sand, grain, coffee beans or powdery substances.
All four shipments of palmitic acid were produced in Malaysia and destined to a processing facility in Delaware. The combined weight of the four shipments of palmitic acid came to 544,176 pounds and had an appraised value of about $2,466,500.
On January 28, CBP issued a Notice of Finding to the Federal Register [FRN 2022-01779] that certain palm oil and derivative products made wholly or in part with palm oil produced in Malaysia with the use of convict, or forced or indentured labor are inadmissible in violation of 19 USC 1307 and 19 CFR 12.42.
The palm oil industry brings money, trade and jobs to producing economies and employs millions of smallholder farmers. In Indonesia and Malaysia, 4.5 million people rely on the palm oil industry for their livelihood.
By the end of 2021, we sustainably sourced 90% of our core palm oil volumes, with 86% coming from physically certified sources: RSPO Mass Balance, RSPO Segregated or an equivalent standard that is independently verified by a third party. We buy the remainder from RSPO independent smallholder credits, in which we continue to be one of the largest buyers of these credits.
Our cross-commodity policy, which covers all our conversion-risk crops (palm oil, soy, paper and board, tea and cocoa), enhances our supplier requirements around no deforestation, human rights, transparency and traceability, and updates and builds on our previous commitments.
The Universal Mill List (UML) brings greater transparency and promotes an industry-wide shift towards a single, harmonised and verified set of information for palm oil mill locations, using a public and standardised method. Created by the World Resources Institute, Rainforest Alliance, Proforest and Daemeter, it identifies and maps over 2,000 mills across 26 countries to provide a better framework for companies looking to monitor and report on their commitments.
Technology has huge potential to disrupt and transform the palm oil supply chain and improve traceability and transparency. We are actively using satellite data, geolocation, blockchain and AI, and working with major tech firms and innovative start-ups to build new approaches to monitoring and traceability.
We have been partnering with local governments, civil society organisations, communities, smallholder farmers, palm oil producers and buyers, and on-the-ground facilitators, to support the design and implementation of strategic programmes we believe can positively transform different palm oil production landscapes.
Where there is the potential for collaboration and impact, we make long term commitments as we understand that it will take time and continuous work from everyone involved to generate the desired impact and firmly embed sustainability into the architecture of each landscape. This approach offers the potential to drive significant changes in palm oil production, as we work together to accelerate and scale initiatives. Partnerships like these can overcome challenges that no one entity could solve alone.
When it comes to sustainable palm oil, we want our work to benefit everyone in the areas we source from - including smallholder farmers and civil society; forests and wildlife; and governments, businesses and communities. 041b061a72